A juncture to new beginnings

COTA’s class of ’22 opens exhibition
Edited by Gerine Hoff
With a refreshing return to normality after a long, crazy two years, the graduate exhibition by the College of the Arts (COTA) opens at the National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN) on Thursday, 13 October at 18:00.
While many students graduating now will have spent half of their studies locked away due to the pandemic, the New Beginnings presentation is a twofold symbol of perseverance and the chance to pursue new opportunities with their craft.
Featuring eleven visual artists, this exhibition holds room for each student’s unique creative outlet and promotes the eccentric expressionism of Namibian culture and society. While the depiction of human life may be a common thread throughout most works, the artists consider a range of subjects and mediums. Their adventurous use and exploration of materials and techniques make for a vibrant and diverse exhibition.
This annual exhibition has been part of COTA’s graduate education for 15 years, providing a platform for graduates and alumni to showcase their work. This presentation is also an opportunity for graduate students to celebrate their academic and creative abilities in a space that encourages professional development in the arts sector.
As pillars that are committed to honing the skills of talented individuals, both COTA and NAGN encourage continuous learning and actively seek opportunities to expose students and artists to relevant stakeholders in the industry.
The exhibition can be viewed in the Main Gallery of the NAGN until 5 November.