Bank confirmation letter now available online

Bank Windhoek launched a bank confirmation letter validation site on the bank’s website earlier this week.
A first for Namibia, the bank’s executive officer of Digital Data and Customer Transformation, Ryan Geyser, said the new platform enables website visitors to validate bank confirmation letters generated on its channels for personal customers as an added fraud prevention method.
Geyser said the bank confirmation letter validation site satisfies two requirements. “When confirmation letters were first digitised, receivers still needed them validated to eliminate any risk of fraud. With this new security feature, receivers can capture the account number and reference number, which will return the generated letter if the reference number and the account number match our system. The receiver can then match the received letter with the displayed one as a method of authentication.”
Asked how the customer benefits, Geyser mentioned three key characteristics. “The first is that the receiver of any Bank Windhoek bank confirmation letter will now have peace of mind that the letter is authenticated to reduce the risk of fraud. The second is that the customer has the convenience of being able to source a validated bank account confirmation letter at any time of the day. Finally, customers can access a validated bank account confirmation letter at a lower rate on the bank’s mobile app than the cost of getting it in the branch.
“We are proud to bring this digitised solution to our customers. As we continue to provide value to them, this new feature will keep our customer's funds safer. It is a major part of providing a positive customer experience at Bank Windhoek and protecting our customers and businesses from fraudulent activities,” he said.
A bank account confirmation letter is a bank letter confirming the details of a customer's account. The letter can also verify an account's authenticity for third-party transactions. A detailed step-by-step process for obtaining bank confirmation letter validation is available on the bank’s website,