Busy diary for CCF

International Cheetah Day commemorated
As the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) founder Dr Laurie Marker represents the organisation at COP28 in Dubai, a special celebration for International Cheetah Day takes place at CCF’s Research and Education Centre outside Otjiwarongo on 3 December.
The family-friendly, free to attend event focuses on education and awareness, emphasising the importance of cheetah conservation.
During the International Cheetah Day celebration, CCF staff, interns and volunteers host educational tables, conduct engaging demonstrations, and lead craft-making activities for children. This event aims to raise awareness about the cheetah, its ecosystem, and the important role of predators in the landscape.
Additionally, cheetah-themed artwork and messages from children in the USA will be presented reminding celebration guests that children worldwide are equally inspired and concerned about the fate of cheetahs.
International Cheetah Day is an opportunity for Namibian communities to learn about the vital role cheetahs play in ecosystems and the importance of conserving their natural habitats. The commitment to saving these unique animals is a shared global responsibility.
CCF’s commitment to research, education and community-based conservation will be showcased, inspiring CCF’s visitors to take an active role in protecting the wildlife that share their landscape, including predators.
Additionally, on the day, a song recorded by Davey Harris, Running with the Cheetah, will debut.
When asked about the impetus for creating a song for the cheetah, Davey said that the song was created to honour the spirit and energy of the cheetah. “Many people don't realise that this animal will go extinct if we don't do something about it. This was my way to help raise awareness while also channelling the fun, beautiful and playful vibes of one of the coolest animals in the world!”
09:00 Centre opens and guests arrive
The CCF welcomes visitors to learn more about the cheetah and CCF throughout the day and visitors can explore these CCF department booths:
• The Education Department conducts cheetah face painting, creates artwork to make a cheetah mask, hosts cheetah puppet shows and a cheetah museum tour, as well as the "How will I contribute to saving cheetahs?" creative table.
• The Clinic and Veterinary Department invites visitors to art activities around medical aspects of cheetah care, and to learn more about CCF’s rabies vaccination campaigns.
• The Cheetah Keepers show visitors how they care for resident cheetahs and how they exercise them.
• The Scat Detection Dog team hosts demonstrations throughout the day.
• The Genetics Laboratory team will share with visitors more about how they work with DNA, PCRs and the Gene Sequencer and how to analyze genetic data.
• Demonstrations about CCF’s Biomass programme
• CCF’s Ecology Team will share about their work in game counts, using camera traps and monitoring biodiversity.
• The Livestock Guarding Dogs and Model Farm team will share about how the LGD works and best practices in animal care and how to manage livestock in harmony with wildlife and predators like cheetahs.
• CCF’s Creamery team will be showing off some of their goat milk products including cheese, fudge, ice cream and soap.
12:00 Centre feeding
16:00 Centre closes for day visitors