Little Green Ambassador show their mettle

The Old Mutual Foundation announced the conclusion of the groundbreaking Little Green Ambassadors Initiative. Amidst fierce competition, 28 primary schools outshone, having been chosen from a pool of 100 applications. These schools, dedicated to nurturing a sustainable future, have proven themselves as the frontrunners in environmental stewardship.
After a rigorous evaluation process, and a public voting of the video submissions of the 10 finalists, the Old Mutual Foundation unveiled the winners of the Little Green Ambassadors Initiative:
1. Ondeikela Combined School – Ohangwena (N$20 000)
2. Hashiyana Primary School – Oshana (N$15 000)
3. Superb Children English Academy – Omusati (N$10 000)
4. Sikaunga Primary School – Zambezi (N$5 000)
5. Brandberg Primary School – Erongo (N$3 000)
Old Mutual’s Mignon du Preez said that the Little Green Ambassadors Initiative has proven that the power of change lies in the hands of the youth. “We salute these schools for their dedication and enthusiasm in sowing the seeds of a sustainable future.
“As we reflect on this journey, let us be reminded that these schools are not just winners; they are the architects of a more sustainable, resilient, and environmentally conscious Namibia. Their dedication signifies the dawn of a new era, where every effort, no matter how small, contributes to the grand tapestry of our planet's health. The Old Mutual Foundation stands proud alongside these schools, fostering a legacy that transcends generations and echoes our commitment to a thriving, green Namibia.”
The Old Mutual Foundation extends its congratulations to all participating schools for their pivotal role in transforming the Little Green Ambassadors Initiative into a resounding success.