Little Green Ambassadors Initiative for Primary Schools Launched

The Old Mutual Foundation has unveiled a pioneering programme known as the "Little Green Ambassadors," with the aim of inspiring schools and students throughout Namibia to take on the role of heroes and advocates for environmental sustainability.
Under this initiative, the Old Mutual Foundation will sponsor 56 trees, distributing them to two primary schools in each region. These schools will receive not only two trees each but also the necessary resources to care for these trees over a three-month period.
Upon the completion of this three-month period, a panel of judges will conduct an evaluation to determine which school has excelled in nurturing their trees. Prizes are up for grabs, with N$20 000 for the first-place winner, N$15 000 for the second-place winner, N$10 000 for the third-place winner, N$5 000 for the fourth-place winner, and N$3 000 for the fifth-place winner.
The Little Green Ambassadors initiative invites all primary schools and students to complete an online form and submit a 30-second video demonstrating their dedication to environmental conservation. These submissions should be sent via +264 81 661 0858 by September 22, 2023. By participating in this initiative, individuals stand a chance to secure two Old Mutual Foundation trees for their school and appoint a Little Green Ambassador who will lead efforts to nurture the trees and raise awareness about environmental issues within their school and community.
Mignon du Preez, representing Old Mutual Namibia, expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative, saying, "The Little Green Ambassadors initiative reflects our commitment to building a brighter future for Namibia, one tree at a time. We believe in the potential of young minds to drive meaningful change. By empowering our youth, we are sowing the seeds of environmental responsibility and nurturing a generation that comprehends the significance of sustainability."