Live Concert with Fado ao Centro – ‘April in Portugal’

On the occasion of the celebration of the Portuguese National Day, the Embassy of Portugal in Windhoek hosts a live concert of Coimbra Fado by Fado ao Centro Group, on 11 June at 19:00 in the National Theatre.
Coimbra Fado is a unique and powerful style of music and song. Unlike Lisbon Fado, which is sung by mainly women, the voices of Coimbra Fado are exclusively male and most belong to current or former students of Coimbra’s prestigious university – founded in the 13th century, being one of the most ancient European universities.
The university connection is reinforced by the singers and the accompanying guitarists wearing the traditional black capes that are synonymous with student life. Fado became popular in Lisbon in the 19th century and was brought to Coimbra in the first half of the 19th century by the students who came to study there. Over time, the core elements of classical guitar, Portuguese guitar and vocals evolved into a different version of Fado which incorporates traditional musical influences introduced by students from various regions of Portugal.
Portugal celebrates this year the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution – a peaceful revolution that occurred on 25 April 1974, setting an end to the 48-year-long dictatorial regime, known as Estado Novo, which had ruled Portugal until then. The April Revolution paved the way for democracy and independence in Portuguese-speaking countries, namely in Africa.
The Fado of Coimbra and the Carnation Revolution are two inseparable elements of Portuguese history and culture, intrinsically intertwined in symbolism, resistance and hope. During the Estado Novo dictatorship, Fado de Coimbra served as a means of veiled expression, where messages of freedom and nonconformity were whispered between the guitars and voices of Adriano Correia Claro, Zeca Afonso or António Bernardino among others, singing hymns of protest against the dictatorial regime, using the poetic language of fado to circumvent censorship and mobilize the population.
April in Portugal: A Fado Concert
For April in Portugal, through moving lyrics and melodies, Fado ao Centro Group honours the memory of the struggle for democracy and freedom which culminated in the April 25th Revolution, celebrating the values of freedom, democracy and social justice.
Admission is free, and tickets can already be collected, free of charge, at the National Theatre of Namibia (12 John Meinert Street) from Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 13:00 and again from 14:00 to 16:30.
This concert is funded by Camões, I.P. (Portuguese Institute for Cooperation and Language) and received the generous sponsorship of Kubata City Hotel, Spur Namibia, Chelsea Food Court, Isabel's Table and Gecko Signs cc.