One step at a time

Multilingual sexual and reproductive health education materials launched
The non-profit One Step At A Time – an organisation committed to advancing healthcare knowledge and education – last week announced the launch of its official website, now accessible at
In a groundbreaking move, the organisation also unveiled its Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education materials translated into various native African languages, including Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Khoekhoegowab, Afrikaans, Rukwangali, French, Swahili, Lingala and Portuguese.
This initiative is a testament to One Step At A Time’s dedication to inclusivity and accessibility in healthcare information.
The organisation extends its gratitude to the unsung heroes behind this project - Vicky Hoveka, Joulindi Linda Jobs, Rodney Narib, Rakoo Kavari, Gloria Malikita, Hilen Shikongo, Ferdina Inkono and Omwene-Tupopila Haitula. Their tireless efforts as translators played a pivotal role in bringing this crucial initiative to life.
To organisation founder Dr Esperance Luvindao this is a major step. Furthermore, she is excited to share that One Step At A Time is making SRH and women’s health materials accessible at local supermarkets and clinics in rural and semi-rural areas as listed on their website.
The materials are already available throughout Groot Aub.
“The driving force behind this initiative is to deliver healthcare information in a language that people understand, bridging the gap in knowledge and empowering individuals to take control of their health. One Step At A Time believes that by reaching communities in their native languages, a significant step is taken towards a healthier, more informed society,” Dr Luvindao said.