MTC attains ISO certifications

MTC Namibia celebrated ISO full certification from the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).
The certificate handover ceremony held on 7 June was graced by the presence of MTC managing director, Dr Licky Erastus, as well as members of the MTC executive committee.
The eminence of products, services and systems are upkept by committed, ISO-certified organisations. ISO credentials authenticate MTC Namibia’s practices and procedures in the realm of international quality assurance.
ISO’s historical relevance dates to the mid-twentieth century.
With over 22 000 published standards in 164 total countries, companies strive for the opportunity to earn ISO certifications and verify their quality in the business world.
By 2009, MTC Namibia captured the prestigious ISO 9001: 2008 Compliance Certificate. Already implementing 6 ISO Standards within the last decade, MTC was well on its way to full ISO certification
for several years.
Speaking on MTC Namibia’s achievements, Erastus enthused that the company’s accolades could not be concealed.
“We are the first in Namibia and in SADC to achieve certification for six standards at the same time, as well as the first in Africa to achieve certification of our Integrated Management System (IMS) with version 2022 of ISO27001 Information Security. For an organisation like MTC, it is critical to remain competitive. One may have processes, policies and procedures, but efficiency is the winning component. It is the absence of mistakes, the presence of detailed planning and proactive risk assessment that gives organisations their cutting edge.”
MTC’s internal ISO auditors have already participated in their first internal audit training under the supervision of a seasoned contracted ISO auditor.
Advantages that ISO certified establishments hold over the competition is that the certified company is able to impart a sense of confidence within their clients and stakeholders.
A regular commitment to premium outputs and compliance exercises assures the market of the adept telecom services of MTC Namibia. Proving a company's commitment to customer satisfaction and production objectives prove MTC’s allegiance to ethical conduct.
ISO ensures the improvement of industrial global welfare, safety and security.