Augustineum takes sports to a new level

Reinhold Katangolo
Augustineum Secondary School, located in the heart of Windhoek, has adopted a new approach to sports, with a renewed focus on nurturing and developing the athletic talents of its learners. The school's sports coordinator, Mr Brian Kangundue, has been instrumental in this shift, encouraging students to not only excel academically but also to showcase their skills on the field or track.
Kangundue is extremely pleased with the progress of the school's sports programme this year.
"I am very happy with how the sports segment is excelling this year because we have received a number of learners who are talented in sports such as athletics, of which we have Jeff, a learner who represented us in Botswana and who is going to Nairobi, and many more. Learners should take up the arms of going into sports because not everyone is academically gifted but also physically gifted and can use their talent in sports."
The school's principal also commended the efforts of Kangundue and the students, saying, "I am very grateful to Mr Kangundue for all the work he has done, and I am also grateful to the learners who showcase their talent through sports. I encourage more students to take up sports and would like them to be more active in the segment, as it can bring them many opportunities, such as the learner who represented us in Botswana and the learners who qualified for the regional team."
One of the standout athletes at the school is Jeff Kamwale, who recently represented the school in a prestigious competition. Jeff expressed his gratitude for the support he received, saying: "I would like to thank all my family members, friends and the school for supporting me during the time I was representing my school and the country."

Essential for success
Sports play a crucial role in the development of students, both academically and personally. Engaging in sports helps students build teamwork, discipline and perseverance, qualities that are essential for success in all aspects of life. Additionally, participating in sports can have positive effects on students' physical and mental well-being, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. Furthermore, sports can offer students unique opportunities and experiences.
Competing at a high level can open doors to scholarships, sponsorships and even professional careers in sports. It also provides students with a sense of accomplishment and pride, boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, Augustineum Secondary School's renewed focus on sports is a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education.