Clash of perspectives: The pulse of regional debate

Faith Mutale
The Hardap Region hosted its 2024 regional debate from 8 to 11 May. Mighty high schools went head-to-head, competing for the top spots at Rehoboth High School, and the finalists were privileged enough to duke it out in the Rehoboth mayor’s chambers.
From sleepless nights to jumping for joy, Dr Lemmer scooped second place, ahead of M&K Gertze in third.
The learners from Rehoboth High School came in first place.
Abraham Lincoln once said “if we exchange one dollar, we both have one dollar each. But if we exchange one good idea, we both have two good ideas". Debate is not only a formal argument; it is an exchange of ideas. It’s a way and tactic of reaching a common conclusion about something while using reliable information. All this was put into action when the high schools of the Hardap Region competed during this debate. When preparing, our debaters felt extremely anxious and the coaches kept on motivating them not to panic. It was a roller-coaster of emotion - one minute there’s a disagreement, and the next they feel overworked.
Round after round, clash after clash, the debaters pushed through and partially lost their voices each round, but with hard work and dedication, they made it to the finals.
After hearing that the finals were going to be held in the mayor’s chambers, it boosted the nervousness so much. Intense emotions, heart rates increasing and thoughts going wild, the results came out and the debaters were surprisingly satisfied with the results because they made it to the national debate yet to come this year. It was overall an amazing and educative experience. But as they say, “you have to lose the battle in order to win the war”.