LPM calls for new leadership

Youth unemployment a major challenge
The Landless People's Movement (LPM) youth leader responds to youth unemployment in the country.
Jeanette Diergaardt
Landless People’s Movement (LPM) youth leader Duminga Ndala has called for a government that is able to create the necessary environment for job creation for young Namibians.
At a recent press briefing on youth unemployment and youth in mining, she said Namibia needs a government "that understands the fundamental and structural issues and who is bold enough to create a conducive environment for job creation."
According to Ndala, youth unemployment has increased because of 33 years of economic under-development, maladministration, corruption, outdated and misguided macroeconomic policies, and a lack of political will.
She added that the youth unemployment rate has reportedly reached more than 50%.
"Unemployment is a threat to the country’s safety. Young people have lost confidence in government," she said.

New strategy needed
The LPM youth leader proposed a comprehensive, integrated youth development strategy that will enhance the ability of young people to access opportunities. Furthermore, the strategy should aim to coordinate and link youth-related work.
Ndala further addressed the underemployment of youth in mining, suggesting that the youth need to make up 80% of mining workers and have shares in their mining companies.
She argued that the social responsibility programmes of mining companies do not reflect real development.
"Young people are excluded from mines. When do we address the plight of young people in areas where minerals are extracted?" she asked.

Guidelines needed
At the annual ministerial opening, sports and youth minister, Agnes Tjongarero, said the performance of the ministry must be seen against the backdrop of the effects of Covid-19 as well as an inefficient budget allocation.
She added that there are a number of unfinished projects related to youth development, which include, amongst others, the resumption of the Namibia youth credit scheme that aims to empower youth entrepreneurs with a starting amount of between N$1 000 to N$5 000 for businesses in the beginning phase.
"We need to focus on how well our programmes and projects are achieving the goal of maximising youth potential and adding value towards sport professionalisation," Tjongarero said.
"We welcome the idea of the credit scheme," Ndala said.
"Agnes Tjongarero should give us a guideline on how many youth will benefit. Any programme or scheme should have a class agenda and be specific to the realities of young people."