The making of a dream team

Jadon Jooste
The Windhoek High School (WHS) Interhouse athletics have officially come to a close. With the Interhigh approaching, the perfect team is preparing to represent our school.
We interviewed the lucky few who were chosen to be apart of the cheer team to find out what makes a good cheerleader. Here's what we found out.
As a cheerleader, a major part of the job is to keep the team's spirit up. When asked how to keep up the motivation, cheerleader Tehilah Fredericks answered: “It is difficult, but when I feel tired and unmotivated, I remember the legacy my team has created”.
"Another part of the job is cooperation. Having your voice heard is important, but listening to your team is too."
According to cheerleader Leander Serrano, "comprehension will always be more important than communication. One can hear all they want, but if they do not understand the deeper meaning, then communication is pointless. As a team we sit down and brainstorm until we come to an agreement".
A lot of pressure and anticipation can come with being an Interhigh cheerleader. Asked how she deals with pressure, Chereé Louw said: “To be honest, I am nervous for that day to be in front of the whole school. However, they chose me as cheerleader for a reason and I am honoured, so I will try my best".
Louw added: "My coping mechanism is listening to the war cries that brings out the fighting spirit in me”.
Her message to future cheerleaders is "the job is not as easy as you may have thought. You have to listen and comprehend your teammates’ contributions, finding motivation in your way. Remember to have fun!"