Vox Pops

The My Zone team asked students at the University of Namibia's School of Medicine how they deal with grief.

Ritjiua Katjiteo
Well, as a person of Herero decent, at our funerals we have designated people who help you with mourning, who give a shoulder to cry on or emotional support.

Zayed Khan
People tend to deal with it differently, but for me, it is helpful and comforting to speak about it and be open about it in order to help the grieving process.

Georgina Biwa
I think the use of a therapist is very important as well as the aspect of focusing your mind on doing your hobbies to bring joy in a time of sadness.

Kauanda Mbaru
I read my Bible. I tend to lean on my faith and the Word of God to remind me that there will always be a rainbow at the end of a storm.

Hanifah Neshiko
Strengthen your relationship with God and also lean on others, especially when you don’t understand what you are feeling.