Vox Pops

The My Zone team asked school learners whether TikTok is overrated.
Destiny Kambato
I don't think it's overrated. Most people don't have the time to watch TV, so they use TikTok. It's a good form of entertainment, especially because it is so short.

Vijandamuje Karupa
No, I think people mostly still focus on Facebook and Instagram and often leave out TikTok, which makes me think that TikTok is not overrated at all, and rather accurately rated.

Abigail Phillips
Yes, I feel like TikTok is overrated, because most of the time people share false information there and too many people will believe it. While other platforms like Instagram or YouTube seem more reliable in that regard.

Hans Shaanika
No, I don't think it is overrated, because it is a platform that allows individuals to express themselves and embrace their talents. It allows people to be their authentic self and and be open to new connections. There's nothing out there quite like it.

Jan Mushimba
Yes, it is. TikTok has turned into a content hub; it is viral and most of the youth is on there, but I really don't think the quality of content on TikTok is high enough to justify the craze.

Agnes Amakali
No, it's not. The platform allows people to share their views openly and express themselves. It also makes it possible for people to share their talents with the world and even make money off that. Who wouldn't like that?