Dr Davids: A trailblazer at the intersection of healthcare and digital innovation

Hinauarue Rijatua
Dr O'Brian Anthony Davids' journey from coding in primary school to pioneering advancements in healthcare and digital marketing captures the essence and spirit of innovation. With a diverse background spanning aviation, modelling and medicine, he brings a unique perspective to his role as both a medical doctor as well as a digital marketing enthusiast.
Davids' childhood consisted of various interests and hobbies. “My background is very diverse. I ventured into aviation in grade 11 and became a certified private pilot, after which I went to medical school, obtaining various qualifications, during which time I pursued my passion for media again.”
Driven by a desire to empower both patients and professionals, he founded plitoX, a company dedicated to leveraging technology to revolutionise healthcare practices. His vision includes developing software to enhance medical training for students and interns, as well as disseminating vital medical information to patients. “Currently I am working on software to help medical students and interns use technology to supplement their practical training in hospitals,” he said.
“The system can also be used to disseminate basic medical information to patients, so that they may better understand their conditions and make better informed decisions about their health.” By incorporating AI and automation, he aims to streamline processes and improve healthcare delivery in Namibia.
Recognising the importance of engaging patients through social media, he employs visually captivating content to educate and empower individuals about healthcare topics. Through targeted messaging and data analysis, he hopes to bridge the gap between healthcare providers and patients in the digital age.
Despite encountering challenges, such as time management while practicing medicine as well as balancing his digital entrepreneurship, Davids remains undeterred, relying on a team of experts to execute his vision for plitoX. His key lessons include the importance of humility and continuous improvement, as well as the need to remain vigilant for potential pitfalls in the system.
In measuring the success of his digital marketing efforts, Davids emphasises organic social media engagements, client feedback and surveys to gauge patient satisfaction and attract new clientele. His advice to fellow healthcare professionals interested in incorporating digital marketing strategies is to remain adaptable and open-minded, embracing technology as a means to enhance patient care and satisfaction. “I have always loved coding and now I use it to help young entrepreneurs establish an online presence and build their brand identity.”