Levy Hamukoto: A data enthusiast and analyst with a passion for entrepreneurship

Dedication, versatility, and entrepreneurial spirit
Levy Hamukoto has acquired a wide range of skills and knowledge in the areas of information technology and telecommunications, data analysis and management consulting.
Raimo Dengeinge
Levy Hamukoto is a talented and experienced business informatics professional with over seven years of experience in the information technology, telecommunications and management consulting spaces.
His diverse skill set and knowledge base, along with his ongoing pursuit of a master's degree in data science at the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST), underscore his impressive career and entrepreneurial ventures.
Hamukoto currently works as a systems business analyst at the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA), a role that involves analysing and improving business systems to enhance efficiency in an organisation. However, beneath this professional exterior lies an opportunist with a fervent passion for entrepreneurship, evident through his numerous and diverse business ventures.

Entrepreneurial ventures
Hamukoto is deeply immersed in the entrepreneurial space, venturing into multiple businesses that showcase his ability to manage and diversify his interests.
One of his ventures is Kosha Cleaning Services, a residential and commercial space care company that makes living convenient and aspires to be a catalyst for community building by delivering better-connected experiences with cleaning as a core service. Another business in which he takes pride is a travel agency, Go Travels and Shuttles. This agency offers comprehensive, tailored travel solutions and a range of services, from transportation to full travel packages, helping clients manage their travel plans efficiently.
He also serves as a director of a consultancy firm, Legion Business Operations Consulting and Technologies (LOTS), a solution engineering firm leading innovative strategic and technology solutions, likened to a ‘doctor’ for struggling businesses.
“We diagnose businesses and assist them with various solutions such as business plan development, strategic document formulation and review, process engineering automation, system development and change management,” Hamukoto explained.
Overcoming challenges
No entrepreneurial journey is without its challenges, especially with growing and expanding business ventures. One of the challenges is the emotional toll of entrepreneurship. The uncertainty and pressure can be overwhelming.
“There is an emotional challenge as well, where you go through times where you can't meet your business month-end financial obligations and the stress that comes with such situations,” he said.
Despite these challenges, Hamukoto remains committed to his entrepreneurial pursuits, demonstrating resilience and a strong will to succeed.
Lastly, Hamukoto admitted that people often find him unapproachable, which is the complete opposite of who he is. He admits that his demeanour can be intimidating at times. “During first-time encounters, people always find me very serious because of my serious face and look. I just wish people knew about my approachable nature,” he said.
Hamukoto embodies the qualities of adaptability, resilience and continuous learning. His journey as a data enthusiast and entrepreneur serves as an inspiring example of how dedication and a versatile skill set can drive success in today’s dynamic business environment.