NAC wins volley tourney

Limba Mupetami
The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) volleyball team won the 2023 Nedbank Volley 1st tournament, which was held on Saturday at the Embandu Soccer Field in Oshakati.
The team won top honours in the corporate games by beating the Medipark team for the grand prize of N$6 000.
In the two-a-side division, team Shockwave secured their victory and a cash prize of N$1 500.
The one-day tournament is an initiative between Connect People to People and the Far North Volleyball Association, with co-sponsors the Far North Volleyball Association, Windhoek Draught, Omulunga Radio and Coca-Cola.
Other results of the day:
NDF A 3-0 CoW (men)
DTS 3-2 NDF B (men)
Revivals 3-1 NDF (women)
NDF B 3-0 Afrocat D (men)
NDF 3-2 Kudos (women)
DTS 3-0 Afrocat D (men)
NDF A 3-1 Kudos (men)