Lower roaming costs for Botswana, Namibia

Ogone Tlhage
Botswana’s information minister Thulagano Segokgo says Namibian and Botswana citizens can expect reduced roaming charges by April 2024, following a decision taken by both countries to reduce roaming costs.
Segokgo made the comments during a recent visit to Swakopmund during a discussion on Evening Review.
The decision to reduce roaming rates was announced in August when information minister Peya Mushelenga visited Botswana.
“There has been progress. We have fundamentally tasked our regulators to work on this project to ensure we achieve this reduction in roaming charges in our two countries,” Segokgo said.
“Clearly, the purpose is to facilitate, to make sure it is easier for the citizens of the two countries. You want them to enjoy roaming rates that are reasonable – this is just another step to make it easier so that our citizens do not feel hard done by in the pocket,” he added.
Both countries are working to ensure the roaming rates will be a reality by next year, Segokgo said.
“We have a clear plan and a timeline that we are working towards. Consultations are ongoing with the mobile operators of both countries. We expect to see a reduction in the coming months, and that will form the basis upon which decisions will be taken about models and how we proceed,” he said.
Efforts to introduce special roaming rates among Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries are, however, not moving at a satisfactory pace, Segokgo noted.
“There has been slow progress in SADC, hence, it is commendable that Botswana and Namibia are going ahead, and I hope we become a clear model for the rest of the SADC countries. We know our brothers in SADC will join us – they will find us along the way,” he said.